
Bitfields are collections of booleans
boolean values (true/false, 0/1, yes/no) are each exactly 1 bit. For efficiency, they can be packed together tightly into special Vectors or Lists called Bitfields

Bitvector / Bitlist

  • A Bitvector is a Vector of boolean values, with a fixed size of N
  • A Bitlist is a List of boolean values, with a limit of N
  • While these could be treated as Vector[boolean, N] and List[boolean, N], SSZ offers a more efficient method for serializing bitfields


  • Type:
    • Bitvector[N]
  • Default value:
    • N bits, all set to 0
  • Illegal type:
    • Bitvector[0] is an illegal type, since fixed-length types many not have 0 byte-length representations
  • Serialization:
    • A fixed-length sequence of N bits, packed into (N + 7) // 8 bytes.
    • a bit at sequence index i is put into byte i // 8 and matches 1 << (i % 8) within that byte
    • If N is not a multiple of 8, the last byte is packed with zeroes
  • Merkleization
    • A bitvector is merkleized by serializing it, and then merkleizing it as a Vector[byte, ((N + 7) // 8)]


A bitlist is a dynamic-length sequence, with a limit of N bits, packed into bytes.

  • Type:
    • Bitlist[N]
  • Default value**:
    • 0 bits, i.e. an empty bitlist
  • Serialization
    • a bit at sequence index i is put into byte i // 8 and matches 1 << (i % 8) within that byte
    • From the offset coding, the length (in bytes) of the bitlist is known. An additional 1 bit is added to the end, at index e, where e is the length of the bitlist (not the limit), so that the length in bits will also be known
    • This delimiting 1 bit is put in what would effectively be the bitfield index bit_length(bitlist_value).
    • Note that for an empty bitlist that would be the first bit at index 0: A single zeroed byte, or empty bytes, is illegal as bitlist representation.
  • Size:
    • Because of this delimiting bit, the total byte length for serialization purposes is: (((N + 1) + 7) // 8) == ((N // 8) + 1)
  • Merkleization
    • For merkleization, the length of the bitlist is mixed in with the root, and hence the delimiting bit is not used for merkleization.
    • Similarly to a List, the subtree is padded to fit the limit of the bitlist.